Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekly Goal

I'm proud to say I finally finished a few goals from the previous week! I was able to clean the master bedroom and we can now walk around freely! Also, I printed the pictures from Great Wolf for L and her friend!

As for this week, I think I'm going to scale it down a bit; I think with too much scheduled, I don't have time to do everything. So, here is my plan for this week:

  • Organize linen closet
  • Clean up dining room and living room (MUST do, have party on Sunday)
  • Swifter ALL floors, use new Mr. Clean with Fabreze

I have a few ideas that I've got from reading LOTS of blogs about how to better organize my living room; my coffee table ends up with EVERYTHING on it, but nothing really belongs there. So I'm going to try out a few storage bins that I already have. They are wood lined with linen, with a top. I'm going to put them on the shelf under the table. I'm sure these will fill up fast, but then I can sort one bin at a time; instead of dumping all the clutter into drawers designed for other things. Next I need to figure out a storage plan for all my blankets.

Anything on top of this is great, but I don't want to be overwhelmed!


Brooke said...

good luck!

our kitchen table seems to be the dumping ground for all things random. when you figure out a way to stop that - let me know!

momstheword said...

I like your plan here. I love to do either the Spring Cleaning Challenge (SCC) or the Grand Plan on Organized Home. That just gets me moving and keeps me on target. Let me know if you ever want a link.

I like your menu plan. Last week went really well, this week....well, we'll have to see.