Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weekly Goal

It's already another week and as I review my goals from last week, I realize that I didn't do as well as I would like to have. I didn't fully complete any one of my goals but I did at least start and make some good head way; with this said, I will set some of the same goals for this week.
  • Finish cleaning master bedroom; put away all the laundry from Monday's mass cleaning.
  • Organize and put away linen closet stuff (special thanks to my guy for making me new shelves; hopefully they will hold everything now)
  • Finish scrapbooking calendar
  • Print pictures of Great Wolf weekend to give to L
  • Work on dining room for month of January goal to get organize and decorate

I will continue to read my book and hopefully finish soon as I have a few others that I'm excited to start; when I'm done, I will add the title to the Paperback Swap site and give that a try.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

valley view farm said...

Those are pretty big goals, seems like they are better projects, not to necessarily finish them in one week!

My weeks goal is a lot smaller! :-)